Reverse Upper Abdominoplasty in Alpharetta, GA

Reverse upper abdominoplasty, sometimes called a reverse tummy tuck, is not a term referring to reversing the effects of an abdominoplasty. This procedure refers to the surgery itself – excess or loose skin in the upper abdomen is pulled up, rather than down, thus tightening the upper abdominal skin. The incisions are placed in the folds below the breasts but do not cross the middle.

Dr. Graivier is one of a few surgeons who perform the reverse upper abdominoplasty procedure.

Reverse Upper Abdominoplasty Consultation

At The Graivier Center, we value our personal relationships with our patients. Each patient is treated as an individual, and as such, is given a personal consultation prior to any treatment. Dr. Graivier and his staff will meet with you to help you make decisions regarding which procedure(s) or treatment(s) will result in achieving your aesthetic goals. The consultation will conclude with a discussion about the desired treatment, your expectations, the benefits and risks associated with the treatment and post-treatment recovery.

Reverse Upper Abdominoplasty Surgery

A reverse upper abdominoplasty is performed for patients who have skin laxity from the belly button upwards toward the level of the breast crease. This loose skin may be addressed with incisions underneath the breast crease with dissection towards the belly button. Dr. Graivier will place the incisions in the inframammary creases to hide the scars and the incisions will not extend across the middle.

The excess skin is then removed and the incisions closed in the breast creases on the right and left sides.

This is often reserved for people who have skin laxity in the upper abdominal area only.

Liposuction is often performed at the same time as the reverse abdominoplasty to complement or enhance a feminine hourglass contour.

Reverse Upper Abdominoplasty Recovery

During your reverse upper abdominoplasty surgery, dressings or bandages may be applied to your incisions, and a compression garment will be placed to minimize swelling and support your abdomen as it heals following surgery.

Reverse upper abdominoplasty is usually done as an outpatient procedure.

Patients will be able to do light aerobics three to five days after surgery and increase their exercise level after that. Patients are asked to refrain from serious exercise for at least four weeks after surgery, though it usually takes up to six weeks to return to your pre-surgery energy level.

You will be given specific instructions from The Graivier Center that may include:

Medications to apply or take orally to aid in healing and the progression of your recovery
Specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health
Post-op follow-up appointment information

When to Consider a Reverse Upper Abdominoplasty

  • There is excess or loose skin in the upper abdomen, but not in the lower abdomen.
  • A previous tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty or mini-abdominoplasty) did not address skin laxity above the belly button.
  • You are interested in receiving a breast augmentation and upper abdominal tightening.
Schedule Your Consultation
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