
Body Contouring For Men in Alpharetta, GA

Cosmetic surgery is no longer considered for women only. Men are enhancing their appearances, regaining much of their youthful appearances and raising their self-esteem through cosmetic surgery procedures. Body contouring for men is a surgery that will sculpt your body by removing unwanted pockets of stubborn fat. This fat is typically resistant to diet and exercise or may be caused by a genetic predisposition.

Dr. Graivier’s expertise is the key to The Graivier Center’s liposuction and body contouring success. The artistry in liposuction is in knowing how much fat to take, where to stop, how to make the areas of fat loss blend into the surrounding areas and which areas of the body should and should not be suctioned. In addition to liposuction, many new FDA-approved treatments, such as Cellulaze, ThermiTight or Smart Laser Liposuction, plus combinations of non-invasive devices may be used to tighten the skin and enhance the results. The selection of the technique and technology best suited for each person will be determined by Dr. Graivier at the time of consultation.

Male Body Contouring Consultation
At The Graivier Center, we value our personal relationships with our patients. Each patient is treated as an individual, and as such, is given a personal consultation prior to any treatment. Dr. Graivier and his staff will meet with you to help you make decisions regarding which procedure(s) or treatment(s) will result in achieving your aesthetic goals. The consultation will conclude with a discussion about the desired treatment, your expectations, the benefits and risks associated with the treatment and post-treatment recovery.

Male Body Contouring Complementary Procedures
It is common practice for patients undergoing body contouring surgery to combine several procedures at once that will offer complementary or enhanced results. At The Graivier Center, we will take time to discuss all the risks and benefits of each surgery, whether you choose a single procedure, or multiple.

Many men desiring body contouring may also consider one or more of the following procedures:

  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
  • Calf Implants- to create cosmetic fullness in the lower leg
  • Pectoral Implants- to build or fill the pectoral muscles

Male Body Contouring Procedures
Body contouring is achieved through the use of liposuction, or lipocontouring. Additional non-invasive techniques may also be used in combination with liposuction to enhance the results. Dr. Graivier’s expertise is the key to his male body contouring technique.

There are several different types of liposuction offered at The Graivier Center:

  • Tumescent liposuction
  • Smart laser liposuction
  • Water assisted liposuction
  • Ultrasound assisted liposuction

Based on your goals, Dr. Graivier will recommend the best treatments and techniques to achieve your desired body shape.

Male Body Contouring Recovery
During your body contouring recovery, a compression garment will be placed over the treatment area. The garment will help control swelling while supporting the tissue during the recovery and contouring the treated areas. If necessary, small temporary drains may be placed to remove any excess fluid.

While pain is usually mild, the patient will experience some discomfort as well as swelling, bruising and temporary numbness.

Because liposuction incisions are small, the scars are also small. Most liposuction scars fade and are barely perceptible over time.

It may take several weeks for the swelling to fully dissipate. Most activities can be resumed within a few days though Dr. Graivier may suggest that you refrain from sporting activities for several weeks.

When to Consider Male Body Contouring

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