
Inverted Nipple Correction in Alpharetta, GA

Inverted nipples are an easily corrected cosmetic problem, utilizing breast revision surgery.

This issue is painless, but it can make the breasts appear different than normal breasts and can cause women to have issues when trying to breastfeed or to feel awkward during sexual encounters.

Some people are born with inverted nipples, but others develop this condition due to changes over time, such as from inflamed milk ducts or development of scar tissue following a breast biopsy near the nipple.

Inverted Nipple Correction Consultation

At The Graivier Center, we value our personal relationships with our patients. Each patient is treated as an individual, and as such, is given a personal consultation prior to any treatment. Dr. Graivier and his staff will meet with you to help you make decisions regarding which procedure(s) or treatment(s) will result in achieving your aesthetic goals. The consultation will conclude with a discussion about the desired treatment, your expectations, the benefits and risks associated with the treatment and post-treatment recovery.

Inverted Nipple Correction Complementary Procedures

It is a common practice for patients undergoing inverted nipple correction surgery to combine several procedures at once that will offer complementary or enhanced results. At The Graivier Center, we will take the time to walk potential patients through all of the risks and benefits of each surgery, whether you choose a single treatment or multiple treatments.

Patients undergoing inverted nipple correction surgery can elect to combine the following procedures for enhanced results:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Liposuction
  • Body conturing

Inverted Nipple Correction Procedure

There are three groups of nipple inversion, and based on your condition, Dr. Graivier will create a treatment plan to specifically address your concerns.

  • Grade 1 – Mild inversion is when the nipple can become everted or pulled out by stimulation and may remain everted for some time. Grade 1 inversions are corrected through suction, a short-term nipple piercing or by placing sutures around the outside of the nipple.
  • Grade 2 – Moderate inversion is when a nipple can be everted with gentle pressure, but it contracts almost immediately. Breastfeeding can be done, but it is difficult. Grade 2 inversions are treated with surgery.
  • Grade 3 – Severe inversion is when the nipple cannot be manually everted, even with stimulation. Women are rarely able to breast feed and often experience skin irritation. Grade 3 inversions are treated with surgery.

Correction techniques will preserve the milk ducts and focus on releasing the surrounding fibers that are holding the nipple in.

A small incision is placed in the areola while the nipple is held in the “out” position.

Dissolving sutures are placed under the skin to hold the nipple in the correct position.

Inverted Nipple Correction Recovery

Surgical corrections for all three grades have fast recovery times and are done on an outpatient basis.

Protective devices are placed over the nipples for about a week to hold the nipples in position and ensure they do not retract again during healing.

There is minimal discomfort or pain and most patients can return to work the next day.

When to Consider Inverted Nipple Correction

  • If your nipple sinks into the areolar area of your breast
  • If you experience skin irritation from sunken nipples
  • If you experience lack of stimulation from one or both of your nipples
  • If you are self-conscious or embarrassed by your breast appearance
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