Here Comes The Sun | The Graivier Center in Alpharetta, GA
May 21, 2019

Here Comes The Sun

The sun shine is coming in hot and you know what that means… shorts, tanks and swimsuits! While we’re excited to see the warmer weather, some of us are still wanting to mask those little imperfections with longer sleeves and cover-ups. It’s not too late to get your body ready for summer vacations and those shorter hemlines. Here are a few procedures that will do just that.

Sclerotherapy and Spider Veins Treatment

It happens with age, weight fluctuation or even hormonal shifts… those pesky web-shaped veins running through your legs. Sclerotherapy is the gold standard of treatments for eliminating large spider veins and has many advantages over more invasive forms of treatment. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a sclerosing solution into the affected veins with a micro-needle causing the veins to fade away. There is little downtime; however, Dr. Graivier recommends limiting sun exposure for two weeks after the procedure, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time before that tropical vacation.

Laser Hair Removal

Aren’t you tired of dealing with unwanted hair? It’s time to consider laser hair removal. This permanent method of getting rid of unwanted hair works on any part of your body. It’s safe, fast and effective for all skin types. The procedure takes 20 minutes to an hour. It works best on untanned, natural skin, so be sure to schedule this one before you start your summer tanning!

Arm Lift

Most women don’t love their arms. Instead of covering up with a sleeved-shirt, try an arm lift! An arm lift is a surgical procedure that will tighten the arms by reducing the fat and removing the loose skin sometimes referred to as “bat wings.” While you’re here, consider combining this procedure with a breast lift or augmentation, abdominoplasty or body contouring.


Not getting that vacation as soon as you hoped? You should still take some “me-time” and come relax with a massage! A massage restores a sense of balance and rejuvenation to the body by relieving muscle tension and improving blood and lymph circulation. Our licensed massage therapist utilizes a combination of Swedish massage, reflexology, deep tissue neuromuscular therapy and integrative therapeutic massage, including trigger point therapy and lymphatic drainage techniques. Massages are tailored to your specific desires and goals.

Summer will be here before you know it. Make sure you’re ready! Call today to make your appointment.

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