Five Tips For Swim Suit Shopping And Looking Your Best | The Graivier Center in Alpharetta, GA
May 12, 2015

Five Tips For Swim Suit Shopping And Looking Your Best

The sun is out in full force, and everyone is headed to the water to cool off. Whether you’re hitting the beach, the lake or the pool, you’ll need the perfect swimsuit to enjoy the water. Shopping for a suit can strike fear in the hearts of even the most confident women. Here are five tips to help you brave the store and walk out with a suit that helps you look your best.

1. Head to the store during mid-morning hours after a light breakfast. Studies show that most people make the best decisions in the morning after a meal.
2. Bring your most trusted and honest friend. The one who isn’t afraid to say, “That suit just doesn’t work for you.”
3. Apply moisturizer the night before to help your skin have that perfect glow.
4. Be open to trying on different sizes and different cuts of suits to find one that fits you perfectly. Never worn a bikini? Try one on! Scared of a one-piece? Check out one of the new glamorous halter-top suits!
5. Be willing to spend a few dollars. The perfect suit for you likely won’t be on the sale rack. Consider a swimsuit an investment in your perfect summer. You’ll wear the suit at least 10 times during the season, so a suit in the $150 range will average out to $15 per wear.

Now that you have the perfect suit, rock it with confidence, which is the easiest way to look your best!

Stop by our office to stock-up on sunscreen during May, and take advantage of our 20% off promotion!

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