Thigh Lift in Alpharetta, GA

Thigh lift surgery, also known as thighplasty, will reshape a patient’s thighs through the removal of excess skin in the inner or outer thighs. Patients who seek to remove excess fat from their thighs may consider laser-assisted liposuction first, but this will also be done in conjunction with an excisional thigh lift.

Thigh Lift Consultation
At The Graivier Center, we value our personal relationships with our patients. Each patient is treated as an individual, and as such, is given a personal consultation prior to any treatment. Dr. Graivier and his staff will meet with you to help you make decisions regarding which procedure(s) or treatment(s) will result in achieving your aesthetic goals. The consultation will conclude with a discussion about the desired treatment, your expectations, the benefits and risks associated with the treatment and post-treatment recovery.

Thigh Lift Complementary Procedures 

It is a common practice for patients undergoing thigh lift surgery to combine several procedures at once that will offer complementary or enhanced results. At The Graivier Center, we will take the time to walk potential patients through all of the risks and benefits of each surgery, whether you choose a single treatment or multiple treatments.

Patients undergoing thighplasty can elect to combine the following procedures for enhanced results:

Thigh Lift Surgery

There are two types of thighpasty:

  • Medial (inner) thigh lift
  • Lateral (outer) thigh lift
Medial (inner) thigh lift

A medial (inner) thigh lift targets excess skin in the inner thigh. An incision is made in the groin area, where the thigh and pubic area meet. The area from the groin to the knee is re-contoured, removing excess fat and skin. For patients requiring more substantial removal of excess skin, a longitudinal incision may be made along the inner thigh.

Lateral (outer) thigh lift

The lateral (outer) thigh lift involves re-contouring of the buttocks as well as the outer thighs and removal of more tissue. Depending on the requirements of a lateral thigh lift, the incisions will extend around the hips, often communicating with an abdominoplasty incision from the front or a buttock lift from the back. Dr. Graivier will place the incisions where the scars are minimized and can be hidden by a two-piece bathing suit. Fat grafting to the buttock or more lipo contouring may be recommended.

Thigh Lift Surgery Recovery

During your thigh lift surgery, dressings or bandages will be applied to your incisions, and you will be placed in a compression garment to minimize swelling and to support your new contours as you heal.

Small, drainage tubes will be temporarily placed under the skin to drain excess fluid or blood that may collect.

When to Consider a Thigh Lift

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